From the chimneys of the Vatican, white smoke rises— | |
a sign the cardinals have chosen themselves a pope. | |
From the crematoria of Auschwitz, black smoke rises— | |
a sign the conclave of Gods has not yet chosen | |
the chosen people. | 5 |
After Auschwitz, no theology: | |
the numbers on the forearms | |
of the inmates of extermination | |
are the telephone numbers of God, | |
numbers that do not answer | 10 |
and now are disconnected, one by one. | |
| |
After Auschwitz, a new theology: | |
the Jews who died in the Shoah | |
have now come to be like their God, | |
who has no likeness of a body and has no body. | 15 |
They have no likeness of a body and they have no body. | |
| |
trans. from Hebrew by Chana Bloch & Chana Kronfeld | |