Mr. Tom Narrow
A scandalous man
Was Mr. Tom Narrow,
He pushed his
Round in a barrow.5
And he called out loud
As he rang his bell,
“Grannies to sell!
Old grannies to sell!”
The neighbours said,10
As they passed them by,
“This poor old lady
We will not buy.
He surely must be
A mischievous man15
To try for to sell
His own dear Gran.”
“Besides,” said another,
“If you ask me,
She’d be very small use20
That I can see ”
“You’re right,” said a third,
“And no mistake —
A very poor bargain
She’d surely make.25”
So Mr. Tom Narrow
He scratched his head,
And he sent his
Back to bed;30
And he rang his bell
Through all the town
Till he sold his barrow
For half a crown.