Reflection for January 16

A politician, on his attitude towards whiskey:

"If you mean the demon that poisons the mind,
pollutes the body, desecrates family life,
and inflames sinners, then I'm against it.
But if you mean the elixir of Christmas cheer,
the shield against winter chill,
the taxable potion that fills public coffers
that comfort crippled children, then I'm for it.
I will not compromise.



The dictionary describes "alcohol" as a "colorless,
pungent, volatile liquid," and it describes "nicotine" as
"a poisonous alkaloid." Both are related in a round–
about way and may be taken in legally, without a pre–
scription. Of course, politicians will take a position on
these substances, and they will hide behind the pre–
tense of being against sin and for virtue. Addiction
knows no morality; it is an amoral force, entirely unto
itself. In old Western movies, they knew well what they
were talking about: "What's your poison?"


Today, I'll keep in mind what's my poison and leave it
well alone.

Malachy McCOURT