Reflection for January 24

In days of old, the horseman came galloping into the
castle courtyard, leapt off the steed, dashed up the
stairs, and threw himself at the king's feet:

"Sire, I did as you commanded.
My army has pillaged and terrorized the North."

"Fool!" snapped the king.
"I told you to pillage and terrorize the West!
I have no enemies in the North!"

"You do now, Sire," said the horseman.



One of the problems of recovering from alcoholism
is finding out the extent of the damage we have done
to family and friends in the North or the West, and
what to do about making amends. Though that may
take time, and forgiveness is uncertain, I'm bound to
try for it.


Let not my shame keep me from making amends so
that I will do no further harm.

Malachy McCOURT