Though I speak with the tongues of man and of
angels, and have not charity, I am as a sounding brass
or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of
prophecy and understanding all mysteries and
all knowledge, and though I have all faith so that
I could remove mountains and have not charity,
I am nothing.
—St. Paul's Epistle to the Corinthians
Perhaps this is the most telling and profound message
of all. It is about giving of oneself – not just money, not
advice, not even prayers. It is about putting yourself in
the place of the afflicted, the poor, the downtrodden,
the dregs who are so despised and mocked because
they don't seem to be able to help themselves. The rest
is all talk and we all know that in our hearts. How
often we resist the natural impulse of the heart to reach
out because we are afraid or we are ashamed that they
touch us as they do. Follow your heart – the God-given
impulse to reach out.
Help me now to be blinded by smugness or to judge
those who need help. Help me to understand that in
giving it is I who am being given the gift.