Loud Is The Vale ; WORDSWORTH William

Loud Is The Vale
Loud is the Vale! the Voice is up
With which she speaks when storms are gone,
A mighty Unison of streams!
Of all her Voices, One!
Loud is the Vale;—this inland Depth5
In peace is roaring like the Sea;
Yon Star upon the mountain-top
Is listening quietly.
Sad was I, ev'n to pain depress'd,
Importunate and heavy load!10
The Comforter hath found me here,
Upon this lonely road;
And many thousands now are sad, 
Wait the fulfilment of their fear; 
For he must die who is their Stay, 
Their Glory disappear. 
A Power is passing from the earth 
To breathless Nature's dark abyss; 
But when the Mighty pass away 
What is it more than this, 
That Man, who is from God sent forth, 
Doth yet again to God return?— 
Such ebb and flow must ever be; 
Then wherefore should we mourn?