Reflection for February 1

When it is dark enough you can see the stars.

—Ralph Waldo Emerson


Often, it is when we reach the very depths of our pain
and despair that we begin to see the first small glimmer
of hope. But why does it have to be that way? Proba-
bly because that's what it takes for us to be able to see.
At that point we have a choice: either we can go out
with a whimper or we can get up and move toward the
light. In reality it is the only real choice we have; the
stars are always there whether we choose to see them
or not.


Help me see the stars even when they are covered by
the dark clouds. Help me to know that you are always
there, dear God, even when I am so full of fear and feel
so disconnected.

Malachy McCOURT