Reflection for February 12

There is no meaning to life
except the meaning man gives to life
by the unfolding of his powers.

—Erich Fromm


It is always a difficult proposition to accept – the idea
that each of us is responsible for our own lives. I mean
we didn't ask to be here, did we? It was Eve who got
us thrown out of the garden of Eden. And now I am
responsible? It is the same idea as sobriety. Alcoholism
is a disease none of us asked for, yet in order to stay
sober and grow and mature in life we have to take
responsibility for our actions. It is up to each of us to
discover and nurture our own powers and to put them
to the best possible use.


I pray, dear God, that I may become the person you
intended me to be. Help me to find meaning in my life
by following your will for me.