Clutter ; WINCHELL Linda

Clutter, clutter everywhere!
It's on my floors, it's on my stairs!
I can't even get from my outside in,
How did this clutter all begin?
I sort and toss, but still it seems,5
It continues on its' upward stream!
Filling each nook and cranny full,
Of boxed up memories, that I've filled till full.
What is to become of all these things?
There is no happiness in my life it brings.10
It's on the counters, and I think a table too,
I wouldn't know if I had one,
Can't see my way of clutter through.
I think I remember when it was that I did start,
Was a day long ago, when I received this broken heart.15
So one by one, I 've compiled in halls,
Some comfort I have gattered, from it all.
But now as God gives my soul its' strength,
I want to unclutter my life and make some space.
I want to love again as I did with you,20
And hope that my broken heart,
Will become unclutter too.