Reflection for April 12

If at any one moment in time there was
more evil being done in the world than good
it would all go up in flames.

—Carl Jung


There is an irresistible tendency to believe in the nega-
tive. Too see the world as going to hell in a handbasket/
It may well be as someone said: God didn't create this
place in one week but put it all together on one very
bad day. The reality is that bad news always will travel
faster and be remembered longer than the countless
acts of good and billions of kindnesses that happen
every minute of every day. We are as inherently prone
to good as we are to evil, and believe it or not, the
good seems to be winning.


God, help me to see beyond the appearance of things.
Help me to know that beyond all evidence to the con-
trary, the world is a mostly wonderful place.

Malachy McCOURT