Reflection for April 23

We have to know that we can never
be separated from God. Each of us is a part
of his mystery and even our despair
and our misery cannot remove us from him.

—Thomas Merton


God does not move in and out of our lives. He is ever-
present in all of us. Whether we are conscious of his
presence or not is up to us. We have to know that we
are like a ship moving through a fog, and the horizon
and the stars are still there even though they can't be
seen. God is ever-present and will always hear our
appeals for help and guidance.


Dear God, help me to always be aware of your pres-
ence in my life. Help me not close myself from the
presence by disappointment, or the conditions that
prevail. Help me to understand that despite appear-
ances you are always there for me.

Malachy McCOURT