Reflection for April 24

We are all in the gutter but some of us
are looking at the stars.

—Oscar Wilde


It is all about attitude. And that is perhaps to one
thing in our lives that we can control. It has to do with
vision: the belief that although we may be in difficult
or even really painful circumstances today, it will not
stay that way forever. Those who survived the concen-
tration camps during World War II were those who,
despite their daily hell, maintained a vision of the
future. It is the hardest concept of all to practice
because sometimes all we have going for us is our faith.
Even in the darkest night of the soul the stars are shin-
ing behind the clouds.


Help me believe that You are always at my side, dear
God. Help me to see through the darkness to the light
of your love.

Malachy McCOURT