Reflection for April 26

Men must live and create—
live to the point of tears.



It is not enough just to make our way through life
without making a contribution. The idea is to leave
something positive behind because that is why we are
here. You are God's own special gift. Your presence is
necessary to God's plan. And sometimes this proposi-
tion is hard to take. Sometimes we are like Sisyphus
pushing the rock up the hill, only to see it reach the top
and roll back down again. Even in our tears and dis-
appointments we have to understand that we are made
the way we are to do that God has assigned us to do.


Help me to put what I have into the world, dear God.
Help me to hold nothing back and help me to under-
stand that even in the midst of pain and disappoint-
ment you are with me.

Malachy McCOURT