Reflection for April 28

Gratitude is at the beginning
of all positive change.

—Leonard Holzer


Gratitude is the surest way to induce a sense of grace
into our lives. It is so easy to let our needs and wants
and disappoinments conceal the positives. Unhappi-
ness usually starts with a sense of being a victim
because our lives aren't exactly the way we would like
them to be. The truth is they may well never be the
way we want them, so we have to acknowledge those
parts of our lives that work well and be grateful for
them. If we want positive change then we must begin
by being grateful for where we are.


I will never measure my life by the standards of the
world. I pray to accept my life as it is and to move for-
ward in gratitude for all of the possibilities it may show me.

Malachy McCOURT