The thing I fear the most is fear.
The prospect of being afraid terrifies us. It is never so
much what is going to happen that we're afraid of as
it is the reality of being in the grip of fear. And most of
our fears are rarely rational and nearly all of what we
fear never happens. When we feel vulnerable and help-
less it is hard to find that sliver of reality to hang on to.
We lose ourselves and we act out, often with disastrous
results. There is a guy who was a white-knuckle flier
for years. He really believed that it was his fear that
kept the plane in the air. One day he realized that 747s
were built to fly. He was relieved but he was disap-
pointed that his fear had no bearing on how he got to
San Francisco.
God, please find me when I am in the grip of fear. Help
me not to lose sight of your presence in my life. Help
me to know that there is always a way through it with
your help.