
Condemnation ; NHAT HANH Thich

Reflection for January 23

Ode on a Grecian Urn ; KEATS John

Reflection for January 22

An Old Woman of the Roads ; COLUM Padraic

Reflection for January 11

Still I Rise ; ANGELOU Maya

Reflection for January 10

Somebody, Somewhere ; INGOLDSBY Pat

Reflection for January 9

The Windmills of Your Mind ; BERGMAN Alan, BERGMAN Marilyn Keith

Reflection for January 8

Among School Children ; YEATS William Butler

Reflection for January 7

A Moment of Memory

Oiche Nollaig na mBan ; O RIORDAN Sean (trans. DORGAN Theo)

Reflection for January 6

The Mayo Tao ; MAHON Derek

Reflection for January 5

Untitled ; WICKHAM Gerry

Reflection for January 4

Invitation ; OLIVER Mary

Reflection for January 3

Sugar Cookies and Irish Soda Bread

The Rape of the Lock, Canto I (Excerpt) ; POPE Alexander

Reflection for January 2

Advent ; KAVANAGH Patrick

Reflection for January 1